Are you a B.L.O.T.O. shopper?

Apparently seven per cent of British people know someone who has shopped online while drunk, in a syndrome with the catchy acronym BLOTO, or Buying Loads Of Tat Online, and six per cent ‘know someone’ who has shopped online while naked.

I think that there is a slight inaccuracy coming through in these figures, because I think that most people have bought something rubbish online while a bit tipsy, and most people with a private internet connection have probably been online naked, even if it’s just while waiting for a bath to run. I think the true reading should be that seven per cent of British people admit to buying rubbish online while drunk.

Source article here.

Walk like an Egyptian zombie thing…

Well… Walk like a mummy, but in modern clothing… Okay, that was just a rubbish excuse for a catchy topic title. organise get-togethers of people who dress up like zombies them shamble through cities scaring the bejeezus out of everyone. Personally I have a bit of a fear of zombies (it’s more rational than having a fear of spiders – spiders are all over the place so being afraid of them is just impractical!), but the whole idea sounds very amusing to me!

Here’s a great photo of a recent walk
. Doesn’t it look fun? If anyone decides to go along to one of these please take some photos and let me see them!