The JCB song

You might have seen this already, you might not, but it’s truly lovely, and they want to get to number one in the UK charts this Christmas. Good luck to ’em:

The JCB song

The video is a great piece of animation and the song is adorable. Do you get the impression that I like this?

3 thoughts on “The JCB song”

  1. Thanks–I realy needed to see that. 20 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to appreciate it. Having had a narcissistic psycho for a dad, I had a really negative image of fathers. I think the turning point (beside therapy) was the french film “My Father’s Glory”. This vid was a bit of a refresher. Again, thanks.

  2. My absolute pleasure. It put a smile on my face, and I like sharing that kind of thing.

  3. Beams 😀

    Jonny Walker is giving that lots of attention on Radio 2 at the mo, but I hadn’t seen the video, that has made me grin like a loon.

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